When you have dry skin patches appearing in different parts of your face and body, there's a very good chance that it's not xerosis but something else entirely. Learn exactly what's causing those dry skin patches by reading the different types of dry skin diseases listed below.
This disease tends to cause patches of dry skin to appear in your legs and arms. Dermatitis is an irritating skin condition because it's extremely itchy and yet you're not allowed to scratch the affected parts because doing so can aggravate it. Dermatitis is when you experience an adverse reaction when your skin comes in contact with an irritant or allergen. Usually, irritants can take the form of fake metal jewelry or even artificial nails.
When dry skin patches appear on your feet, there's a very strong chance that you're suffering from pitted keratolysis. It's also very distinctive and easily recognizable as pitted keratolysis causes the affected area of your sole to change in appearance and odor.
Generally, pitted keratolysis is much worse during warm weather or when your feet become damp. This type of dry skin disease can last for years if you don't take any action to cure or treat it. Usually, regular use of an anti-bacterial soap and other anti-perspirant products can help in reducing the undesirable symptoms of pitted keratolysis.
Pray that none of the dry skin patches appearing in your face or body are an indication of psoriasis. This skin condition is not only without cure but can also be quite painful in severe cases. There are several types of psoriasis that have been diagnosed by doctors.
Plaque psoriasis most often appears around the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp, but it can develop in other parts of the body as well. Guttate psoriasis are characterized by small red spots on the skin, while pustular psoriasis appears as white pustules enclosed in reddened skin. Inverse psoriasis surfaces as smooth red lesions in folded skin. Lastly, erythrodermic psoriasis involves extensive redness and extreme itching and pain.
What to Do When You Have Dry Skin Patches
Dry Skin provides detailed information on Dry Skin, Dry Skin Care, Dry Skin Treatment, Dry Skin Lotion and more. Dry Skin is affiliated with Natural Acne Skin Care [http://www.e-NaturalSkinCare.com].